Free Password Generator Download
'Windows cannot open this file'
This indispensable little command-line utility 'does one job and does it well' in the best Unix tradition. The passwords it generates by default are a good compromise between being cryptographically secure and easy to memorize, minimizing the chance that users write them down and increasing real-world security. As a system administrator, I use it in my Linux user account creation and maintenance scripts to automatically generate sensible passwords. Do make sure to study the manual page to understand the options.
wow, it's great password generator, it generates complex and easy to memorize passwords
Great project, thanks a ton for posting
Perfect project, many thanks for sharing
- Free Password Generator Software
- Password Generator Tool Free Download
- Password Generating Software
- Free Readable Password Generator Download
Random Password Generator is a free password manager to generate and manage hard-to-crack random passwords. It's the best free and secure password generator for better password security.
- Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10, Windows 8.1. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Advanced Password Generator (Free).
- PWGen is a professional password generator capable of generating large amounts of cryptographically-secure passwords—“classical” passwords, pronounceable passwords, pattern-based passwords, and passphrases consisting of words from word lists.
Random Password Generator is a useful utility for creating custom passwords to meet different specifications, either individually or in bulk. And because random passwords are generally harder to remember, the program also includes a Password Manager to keep track of all of your log-in information.
Clear interface: No matter how much experience you have with these types of programs, you'll have no trouble finding your way around this app. There are three tabs across the top of the interface, one each for Password Generator, Password Manager, and Change Password. All entry blanks are clearly labeled as well, so you'll quickly understand what needs to go where.

Generation options: When it comes to generating new passwords, you'll have a lot of options in this program. The Password Generator screen offers check boxes for including small letters, capital letters, numbers, and punctuation. You can also select the desired length of the password and input how many passwords matching the specifications you'd like to generate at once, from one to 100.
Free Password Generator Software
Manual entry: The Password Manager feature requires you to enter the log-in information for each account you want to save individually. You also have to enter the information manually into the websites each time you want to log in. This makes it really more of just a place to list all of your passwords that's a bit more secure, rather than a full-featured manager program, many of which can automatically record your log-ins as you enter them and autofill forms whenever you need.
No Help file: There is no Help file available to go with this program. While it's not likely you'll need it, since the interface and functions are pretty straightforward, it's nice to have a reference available if you do run into trouble.
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Bottom Line
Random Password Generator performs its main function well. It generates passwords quickly and to your desired specifications. If you want a full-featured Password Manager as well, you may be disappointed with what you find here, but overall it's a good free option for increasing the security of your account log-ins.
What do you need to know about free software?
Random Password Generator is a useful utility for creating custom passwords to meet different specifications, either individually or in bulk. And because random passwords are generally harder to remember, the program also includes a Password Manager to keep track of all of your log-in information.
Password Generator Tool Free Download
Clear interface: No matter how much experience you have with these types of programs, you'll have no trouble finding your way around this app. There are three tabs across the top of the interface, one each for Password Generator, Password Manager, and Change Password. All entry blanks are clearly labeled as well, so you'll quickly understand what needs to go where.
Generation options: When it comes to generating new passwords, you'll have a lot of options in this program. The Password Generator screen offers check boxes for including small letters, capital letters, numbers, and punctuation. You can also select the desired length of the password and input how many passwords matching the specifications you'd like to generate at once, from one to 100.
Manual entry: The Password Manager feature requires you to enter the log-in information for each account you want to save individually. You also have to enter the information manually into the websites each time you want to log in. This makes it really more of just a place to list all of your passwords that's a bit more secure, rather than a full-featured manager program, many of which can automatically record your log-ins as you enter them and autofill forms whenever you need.
No Help file: There is no Help file available to go with this program. While it's not likely you'll need it, since the interface and functions are pretty straightforward, it's nice to have a reference available if you do run into trouble.
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Password Generating Software
Bottom Line
Free Readable Password Generator Download
Random Password Generator performs its main function well. It generates passwords quickly and to your desired specifications. If you want a full-featured Password Manager as well, you may be disappointed with what you find here, but overall it's a good free option for increasing the security of your account log-ins.